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velocity inversion中文是什么意思

用"velocity inversion"造句"velocity inversion"怎么读"velocity inversion" in a sentence


  • 速度反常
  • 速度反演


  • Besides velocity inversion algorithm , the static correction in complex near - surface condition and irregular geometries may also impact the velocity modeling
  • Basically , the cross - well seismic data processing has two steps : traveltime velocity inversion tomography for direct arrival and seismic reflection stack image
  • Different algorithms were compared in the numerical simulation and model experiment of concrete velocity inversion the results showed that , compared with the least - square solutions and the damped least - square solutions , the damped and natural weighted least - square solutions reflected the inner defections of the tested object more reliably and exactly due to the usage of correct priori information , which benefited the suppression of noises and made the iterations of inverse stable and convergent
用"velocity inversion"造句  
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